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보호 & 입양활동


저 이렇게 살아도 괜찮은 건가요?

페이지 정보


목은 5센티 이상 그어져 동물병원의 오물 범벅 켄넬 안에 쳐박혀 있던 아이.

잔뜩 웅크린 채 일어서지도 못하고 활동가의 품에 안긴 채 살려달라고 간절히 바라보던 그 눈빛을 지금도 잊을 수 없습니다.

그랬던 아가가 지금은 온 집안을 휘젓고 다니며, 잔디밭에서 온몸을 굴리며 세상 깨발랄한 외동딸로 살고 있다니.
같은 아이라고 믿어지시나요?

너무나 훌륭하고 따뜻한 임보자님 @pretty_suk2
덕분에 한걸음 내딛는 것조차 두려워하던 봄이가 깨발랄 악동 숙녀가 되었고, 국내에서 좋은 가족을 만나 귀한 외동딸로 입양을 가게 되었습니다!

번식장에서 성대수술을 하기 위해 동물병원에 잠시 놓고 간 사이, 케어가 발견하여 참혹한 상황에서 구조된 봄이의 드라마틱한 변화를 보면서
지금도 따스한 햇빛 한번 느끼지 못한 채 고통 속에 꺼져갈 번식장들의 봄이 친구들이 떠오릅니다.

물건으로 찍어내는 모든 동물생산업 즉 번식산업은 전면철폐되어야 합니다. 모든 동물학대의 기원은 생산체제가 자본주의와 결합될 때 이루어지기 때문입니다.


#구조동물 가족찾기 모금
#구조는_케어_스마일은_Care !

▪은행명 : 신한은행
▪계좌 :100-036-322829
▪예금주: 스마일 (SMILE)

With a five-centimeter incision in her neck, Bom was once confined to a filth-ridden kennel within an animal hospital. The image of her in an activist's hold, her eyes pleading for help, remains imprinted in our memory.

Now, in stark contrast, Bom’s life has blossomed as part of a nurturing foster family. The joy she experiences as she bounds around her new home, rolls in the grass, and savors her fresh start as a cherished pet is truly heartwarming.

Bom's dramatic journey from misery to happiness is inspiring, yet it brings a sense of sadness. Her rescue was incidental, realized during an investigation of an animal hospital by Care – a time when Bom had been left by a dog farm with the intention of undergoing vocal cord surgery. It is distressing to consider that many others still remain undiscovered, living and dying in agony, unseen and untouched by the warmth of the sun, in these dog farms.

The inhumane practice of treating animals as commodities in the breeding industry must come to an end. We invite you to stand with CARE in our mission to eradicate this callous animal production industry, which is the underlying cause of widespread animal cruelty.

 "Lemon, Free" is a campaign aimed at legislating the eradication of the breeding industry. To participate in the 200,000 signatures for the abolition of the breeding industry: Please click the link in our profile or highlight.

You can donate for medical treatment, fostering, or oversea adoption of rescue dogs: You can make a one-time donation(일시기부) or a monthly donation(정기기부) via PayPal. Please click the link 

To become a member of Care: Please click the link http://naver.me/GJriolNO 


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