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Donate Now to Defend Animals

You can be confident that your contribution to CARE will go straight to work helping animals.
Become a Regular Member of CARE

Membership fees are used for animal relief, including all CARE activities, animal treatment expenses, and animal rescue activities.
Together, we’re making the world a better place for all beings. Please, give what you can today.

Regular members who provide regular support are given rights and obligations as specified in the articles of association, and if they act contrary to the code of this organization, they may be disqualified under the rules of membership of the articles of association.

Regular members shall pay regular support of at least USD 10 per month, and members who do not provide regular support shall be disqualified in accordance with the membership regulations of the articles of association.

The articles of association of CARE shall apply mutatis mutandis to other matters concerning the terms and conditions of use as a regular member.

Regular members can participate in decision-making by the general meeting of CARE and the notice of collecting policy opinions.

Approval for membership as a regular member will be made after registering for regular membership and confirming the deposit of membership fees.

Membership fees is replaced by paying the membership fee at the first transfer after registering the automatic transfer of the donation.

Membership paid will not be returned. If you want to stop membership, you can change it by logging in paypal and stop donation or contacting via email care@animalrights.or.kr.

Please fill in your information on google form to become a regular member of CARE after donation. Click https://forms.gle/YuLDP7fFAG9x7qhv8

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