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누구든 할 수 있다! - 건축법, 옥외광고물법 위반

페이지 정보



간판의 숫자만큼 죽은 동물들이 많다는 뜻이겠지요? 이 건강원은 식품위생법위반, 건축법위반, 옥외광고물법 위반으로, 최근 와치독의 보신탕집 간판 타격 캠페인에 참여한 활동가의 신고로 행정처분을 받게 되었습니다. 

옥외광고물법은 무엇을 위반했을까요? 

일단 간판이 너무 많습니다. 간판은 보통 3개를 허용하고 있습니다. 얼마나 개고기를 많이 판매하고 싶었으면 온 건물에 도배를 해 놓았을까요? 가로 간판 세로 간판, 창문 간판, 건물 맨 위에 걸린 간판, 건물 옆 간판 등등.... 미관상으로도 시민들에게 피해를 주고 있었고 또 신고하지 않고 건 간판들입니다. 이런 간판 타격 캠페인은 누구나. 쉽게 할 수 있습니다. 

와치독이 대한민국 개고기 산업을 축소시키고 개도살금지로 이끌 수 있도록 지금 와치독을 후원해 주십시오. 

와치독지지후원은 링크클릭

The dog meat restaurant in the attached photo violates the Food Sanitation Act, Building Act, and Outdoor Advertisement, Etc. Management Act. It was recently sanctioned due to an activist's report filed under Watchdog's campaign to attack the signs of dog meat restaurants.

What does a violation of the Outdoor Advertisement, Etc. Management Act mean? First of all, there are too many signs. Generally, only up to three signs are allowed to be installed. As can be seen in the photo, this dog meat restaurant has signs hanging horizontally, vertically, on the window, on the top of the building, and on the side of the building, all of which were not reported. These signs not only damage the aesthetics of the area but also inconvenience citizens. They had covered the entire building with signs, which only begs the question: how desperate were they to sell dog meat? Reporting a sign is a simple process that anyone can do by checking online and submitting a complaint on their computer.

Through this "Attack on the signs of dog meat restaurants," Watchdog aims to undermine the industry by causing financial loss and inconvenience for businesses that support dog meat. Please support Watchdog’s campaign. 

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